Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Where to Start When Getting In To Social Networking

Planning to get into social networking as a business marketing strategy? Don’t know where to start? Perhaps this will help.
The first step isn’t finding networking sites. The first step is thinking about what you are going to do when you get there. What will you need? How will you make it all work? Is this a quick “run the flag up the flagpole and see if anyone salutes” plan, or a long-term plan that is well thought out, precise with achievable goals? Considering the time and effort you will put into social networking to make it work, it should be a plan for the long-term.
Before you set up a social networking site have ready:
· A short bio (some sites allow you to upload a resume).
· An “elevator pitch” (a paragraph that succinctly expresses what you or your company does).
· Your picture for your profile (in jpeg format).
· A blog or website where visitors can find out more about you.
Be prepared to dedicate some time to this adventure. If time is of the essence, help is available through outsourcing. Skilled social media strategists can get you started, take some of the load and fill in where you need help. Contact me if I can help you. jfouchaux@gmail.com

1 comment:

  1. If you are considering social media as a profession, surround yourself with social media experts, social media managers and youth. The younger generation uses social media like the older generation use newspaper and/or magazines. Follow Mashable, join Social Media groups on Facebook, most social media managers are very willing to give advice and if you want to learn from a pro check out Kate Buck Jr's course Let's Get Social. It is a comprehensive course that she continuously adds too! Social media is destined to become the most in-demand job in the world as businesses realized the importance of building engaging relationships with their fans/clients! http://ow.ly/5gYYg
    (Signed up as a new follower):)
