Thursday, August 27, 2009

Analyze, Set Goals and Build

You have an idea. You are starting a business. Your great idea will carry you only so far. What else do you have that will help you create the business you want? First step: analyze this. Where will your talents and expertise support you in growing your business? Where will your weaknesses threaten your results? What are the ways you can get around those weaknesses? Can you build a team to help? With that knowledge, you can begin to set goals that strengthen your business.

In our businesses we often set the big picture goals. I want my business to be flourishing by the end of the year. I want to be rich by the end of two years. These goals wonderful end pictures, but still in the dream world of generalities. In order for these things to happen, we must be specific and positive. What does flourishing look like? What is rich?

Each person may have a different answer to those questions. That is why it’s important to be really specific in what you want; how you want your business to look. It is also necessary that your goals are expressed in a positive manner with the goal achieved. Once your long-range goals are specific, you need to have short-term goals (weekly, monthly, quarterly) that will move you in the right direction. They too should be specific and have a realistic time frame. It keeps you focused. These goals are the framework on which the business is built. Keep them handy; refer to them often. They are the signposts for the trip forward and the journal of the challenges you have overcome.

Judie Fouchaux

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