Tuesday, September 22, 2009

We Are The Artists Who Create Our Lives

We are all artists of our own lives. No matter how much we dress alike or act alike, we are still unique expressions of the life force in our world. As Martha Graham wrote, “There is a vitality, a life force, a quickening that is translated through you into action, and because there is only one of you in all time, this expression is unique. If you block it, it will never exist through any other medium and be lost. The world will not have it.”

If we chose to accept that she is right, there is a responsibility that we have to express our uniqueness in our lives. Forces in the world today are attempting to make us smaller, more closed in, more fearful. I have found that by going into myself I can connect with an inner knowledge that supports me in growing and developing my own uniqueness. I see the world differently, more creatively. There are more possibilities.
There is more joy. I bring that joy and creativity to my work. If I can help you achieve the same ends please let me know.

Judie Fouchaux
Creative Crosse Roads

Saturday, September 12, 2009

The "Blunderbuss" Approach

Today's marketing through social networking might look like pellets from a "blunderbuss" or shotgun; scattered over a vast area "with the power of the burning charge divided among the pellets, which means that the energy of any one ball of shot is fairly low." (Wikipedia) This is so unlike the advertising of a few years ago, when people shopped mostly in large malls choosing their stores by name and discount coupons, that it is often misunderstood.

The advertising done in the past by radio, TV and the newspapers was very direct, like someone aiming a bullet at a bull's eye. It might go straight and true but it might glance off the target uselessly. As large shopping malls took the place of the local shops consumer loyalty disappeared. They clipped the coupons and followed the bargains. This type of advertising probably worked well for the large stores in well populated areas where customer turnover didn't harm the bottom line. It has been of no help to small business entrepreneurs with limited advertising budgets.

Today's consumers are becoming different types of shoppers. They search the internet for information before making purchases. They look to small businesses as well as large. That's why no matter how scattered social networking looks...IT WORKS! Unlike what happens to the pellets fired from an actual blunderbuss, these pellets of information get spread around, shared and help build relationships. They help you to connect with existing as well as potential clients and customers who learn to trust you aw you tell them your story. These consumers then pass on their relationship with you to others, building a community.

Ifyou want to build your business in today's world, you can't overlook social networking as a tool. You need an online presence and strategy. It needs to be active and consistent.

Judie Fouchaux
Meeting Your Social Networking Needs

Monday, September 7, 2009

Happiness at Work

Are you happy in what you are doing? According to a recent report the majority of people working today are not happy. They work for their pay checks. Some of us who felt that way have gone into business for ourselves. We’ve chosen to follow the saying of Confucius that if we “Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life.” It hasn’t always worked out the way we expected. If you start out small, with a limited financial backing, you may find yourself doing the necessary things that you don’t really like doing.

As time goes by, you may feel you are back in the same place you were when working for others. Dissatisfied. The tricks here, I believe, are:
(1) To stay focused on your goal. What was it you wanted to do when you started your business;
(2) To reach out for support from a mentor; and
(3) To find the help you need in the areas that are not your strengths so you can build from your strength.

In the area of Social Networking to grow your business, I can help. Just let me know. jfouchaux@gmail.com

Judie Fouchaux
Creative Crosse Roads